• I asked ChatGPT to create a Product Launch plan for Tagora APP #buildinginpublic 🤯

    Day 1-2: Day 3-5: Day 6-10: Day 11-15: Day 16-20: Day 21-25: Day 26-30:

  • How to Start Your Day

    Title: The Power of a Mindful Morning Routine for Startup Leaders: Lumumba Mutumanje’s Journey As a startup founder, it’s essential to kickstart your day with a powerful morning routine to set the tone for success and productivity. Lumumba Mutumanje, a successful entrepreneur and startup leader, believes that prioritizing self-care, meditation, breathing exercises, and gratitude journaling…

  • Day 16

    Dear Kupakwashe, Another day passes, and still I am without you. I hope this letter finds you well and happy, though the thought of you brings tears to my eyes. I cannot believe that I am not able to see you and hold you in my arms, to hear your laughter and feel your warm…